New Moon in Aquarius 2/9/24

New Moon in Aquarius @ 20*

February 9th @ 2:58 PM PST

New Moons occur each month when the Sun and Moon align in the same sign. It is the natural cycle of New Beginnings, and the sign of the of zodiac where this occurs is the area of intention, expansion, and focus for the month, and in this case the next 20 years!

The Aquarius New Moon reinforces the shift into the Age of Aquarius, bringing emphasis to the  unique and unconventional! Diversity and humanitarian concerns abound!!  This New Moon chart is one of the most significant of 2024, as the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Pluto are all in visionary Aquarius!  And Uranus, ruler of Aquarius is  a key player as he forms a square to the New Moon! Be prepared for the unpredictable and unexpected, and pay attention to synchronicity‘s. New realizations come in an instant!  So, go with the Divine Flow!!!

 In the  Aquarian Age, Best Practice….. think outside the box! 

This New Moon encourages us to get our Aquarian ON and BE  natural geniuses!!!

At the highest sense, this NM calls for Freedom and Independence, strengthening the COMMON bond among the Global Family, as Aquarius is the sign that rules Humanitarianism on a Global Scale!  This energy  illuminates the power of the Individual and the exponential potency of a higher group consciousness.

 What IS occurring is a Revolution for our collective Evolution!  We have, and will  continue to create effective social, political and financial change. And when we act from a HEART centered consciousness we transform ourselves, our lives, and our world! And,our capacity to effect change is far, far greater than we realize.I have mentioned this quote several times, but seriously, this is the Aquarian Way!

 And as a reminder……Dr. David Hawkins, in his ground breaking brilliant book, Power vs Force, illustrates the profound influence our thoughts and state of mind have on ourselves and others. He defines power as energizing and life supporting. In contrast, force generates resistance, conflict and depletes energy. Power makes us strong, Force makes us weak. Love, integrity and empathy empower us; hatred, shame and judgment weaken us. His 29 year study demonstrated that the human body immediately becomes stronger or weaker depending on a person’s mental state, and that level of consciousness affects the world. His studies showed that one person, vibrating at high levels of self-esteem, empathy, and a willingness to learn from experience, counter balances 70,000 people in lower frequencies of hopelessness, fear, and anger. This is  awesome documented scientific information!

                          As we LIVE in this time of change, KNOW that we, as a group, affect millions on a daily basis!

                                                        One random act of kindness and compassion can and will change the world!

Today, as we set  intentions for the month and the next 20 year cycle of Pluto in Aquarius, please include the Aquarian qualities of Freedom, Justice, and Equality for all people! Imagine how wide our intention net travels!!!!

         Let’s vibe up the world consciousness with the

Power of Prayer and Intention today!!!IKTL_web

Crystals that best Reflect Aquarian Energy are Aquamarine and Clear Quartz.

Moonstone always for Moon ceremonies and New Beginnings.

Rose quartz for Love, and Amethyst, to powerfully connect to Spirit!

And, as you settle into your ceremony, take time to consider what you CAN do to effect positive change…. a prayer, an intention, a random act of kindness, a compassionate heart…..Now is the time and this is the Aquarian Way! And, this is a very special time on our planet, so be sure to think globally!!

Aquarius Rules Humanitarianism, Including:

Seeking outcomes that are good for everyone involved, Identification with humankind, Interest in others, operating from a larger worldview.

Sample intentions to Stimulate Humanitarianism:

I always support outcomes that are a win win!

I actively support a Cause that makes a difference in the world using my

personal time and $!

I open to the big picture of my life in the area of………….

I speak out and become actively involved in situations where there is injustice!!!!!

Aquarius Rules Inventions, Including: Innovative ideas, Brilliance, and Eccentricity.

Sample intentions to stimulate inventive energy:creative brain

I love to think outside the box and be inventive!

I allow my natural uniqueness to shine through in all I do.

I tap into my natural genius and invent my future now!

Aquarius Rules the Future, Including:

New Trends and Unconventional Approaches, High Technology, Long Range Goals, and Following your Hearts Desire.

Sample Intentions to Successfully Navigate the Future:

I love seeing new trends and blend them easily into my work!

I intend to integrate new technology easily and gracefully! grow big

I take the first step toward making my dream of ……….come true!

I listen to and follow my heart’s desire with joy and excitement!

Aquarius Rules Revelations, Including:

Excitement, Unexpected Results, Surprises, and Freedom.

Sample intentions to Attract Exciting Experiences:

I greet unexpected events as positive opportunities for growth, knowing it is for my highest and greatest soul’s evolution.

I am open to receiving new revelations to show me the right path in the matter of…….

I  make changes that create greater freedom in my relationship with …..

I  embrace the possibility of happy surprises in my daily life!

Aquarius Rules: The Big Picture, Including:

Seeking Knowledge, Tools of divination (Astrology, Numerology, Tarot etc.), Manifesting Dreams

Sample Intentions to Aid in Accessing “The Big Picture”

I easily gain the knowledge that will empower me to manifest my dream of …..!

I enroll in the perfect class (Astrology, Tarot, Spiritual studies etc.) that  open me up to divine understanding!

I am awake and aware of insights that lead to my dream of ——-coming true!

Aquarius Rules Friendship, Including:happy iransjpg


I attract the perfect friends into my life that love and support my individuality and give me plenty of freedom to be!

I love networking and meeting powerful like-minded people that promote the new paradigm shifts!

I circulate in groups that make a difference in the world.

And the last one request….. please include……” I pray for a world of Peace, Compassion, Kindness, and Love, where we all accept each other and appreciate our differences!!!!” Thank you

As always, feel free to use these or make up your own….and know your consciousness effects many!!!!

Here are the guidelines for your New Moon ceremony.prayer image big girl 2

  1. Start at the exact time 2:58 PM PST  or AFTER on 2/9/24. You have up to 8 hours after the new moon to  capture the full intensity.
  2. Get quiet, make your time special and sacred.
  3. Write your 10 intentions, 10 only …by hand, not computer.
  4. Your intentions this month are around the natural qualities of Aquarius.
  5. After writing, take a moment to actually See and Feel them accomplished. See a wonderful world working…if only for a few moments! Really feel the emotion. EXPECT, KNOW and TRUST! Vibe up the world….know it is possible….see your intentions effecting 70,000 people! Power Up!!

Stay  Inspired….Connected…..Empowered!

                                                                                          Peace and Blessings
