May 2024 Overview!

Happy Birthday Taurus!

April 20th -May 21st

After a tumultuous April……… Taurus the Bull reminds us to slow down, smell the roses, plant flowers, beautify your home…and BREATHE!!! It has been way crazy!! And now….time to integrate all the many  changes that have taken place over the last 6 weeks!! Questions to consider and ponder…..What do I truly value and love….how can I increase  financial security, what new amazing insights did I receive and what is the best plan to implement!

May has two distinct energies… the first half is about Taurus and earthly pleasures. We have quite the line up with the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, and the Sun and Venus….all spotlighting security, stability, sensuality,and the pleasurable aspects of life!

The first few weeks, the amazing Jupiter/Uranus Genius aspect is still dancing together!!! Creative and enlighten insights can occur when least expected!! Stay open to receive!!!

The Taurus energy encourages us to do the simple, practical things to secure change. By nurturing self, connecting with the heart, and focusing on what you TRULY VALUE, change happens!! Best Practice….Pay very close attention to what you do daily….this is where your past habits, beliefs, and patterns can be changed. By making small changes daily, we create permanent new outcomes! The Bull helps us Focus on What we Value…and he assists us!

To further the Cosmic Agenda in supporting our change and transformation, we have an amazing, beautiful Full Moon in Sagittarius known as the Wesak Moon. It is said that the Spiritual Masters and Hierarchy that oversee planetary evolution descend from Shamballa to bestow humanity with Grace, Blessings, and Light! Well timed this year, and much needed beautiful energy and guidance!

 Here are the dates this month to take note of:

May 2nd – 10/11…Pluto stations RX in Aquarius @ 2*

When Pluto stations RX in Aquarius, he tends to bring about a period of intense introspection and transformation concerning the collective ideals, societal structures and individual contributions to the greater good. Here are a few key themes  associated with this transit.

* Transformation of Social Systems

*Uncovering of Hidden truths

*Revolutionary Ideas and Innovations

*Personal Evolution and Authenticity

Overall, the next 6 months will be a reevaluation of social norms and personal values. It’s a time to question the status quo, embrace innovation, and work towards creating a more equitable and enlighten future for all!!!

5/7 New Moon at 8:21 PM PDT @18* Taurus.

This New Moon is very close to Uranus and Jupiter, so it will be quite the exciting time to set your Taurus intentions!!! The focus is on your values, your sense of self-worth/esteem, finances and abundance (or lack of) and finding new ways to manifest what you want!! This is the best New Moon of the year to manifest $ and Love so plan time for your Ceremony Tuesday evening…remember…the exact time or after!!

Details for your ceremony will be posted soon!

5/15 Mercury joins the Taurus party and now we have 5 planets in this pragmatic,sensual earth sign associated with money and its renowned need for material security and all things sensual and beautiful!!!

This is a Cosmic Gift  as Mercury here will assist us in gaining greater clarity on our values. It will be easier to be more methodical and patient now. Expect major mental ” downloads” bringing Big insights ..…Best Practice…..Listen IN!! Act On Your Insights!!

5/18 The Sun conjuncts Jupiter and Venus kisses Uranus all in Taurus!!!
This is a great time for opportunities! Fortune favors the brave!! Lovers receive a welcome boost and new promising encounters can arise. A great day to get your sexy on!!!!

Venus here encourages slowing down and finding time to relax, which, in the current environment is totally warranted! You may be magnetically drawn to something or someone. Just be sure to ask: “is this in my highest good?” Also avoid overspending,eating and or being possessive or clingy!

5/20  The Sun enters Gemini and 2 days later forms an exact trine with Pluto in Aquarius!!!

There will now be a notable shift in the quality of time as we will begin to feel a bit more optimistic as this Air sign is light, curious, and excellent for planning time for fun and learning something new!!!


5/23 Full Moon Wesak Moon in Sagittarius @5:53 AM PDT

The  Full Moon in Sagittarius is one of my favorites and spotlights issues of freedom, expansion, and exploration together with attitudes of faith and optimism. In many ways, Sagittarius expects the best from the world and people. Helpful energy for this particular time on our planet, as the focus is on your beliefs, and the higher thought process and philosophies of the world.This FM energy is  profoundly alchemical in nature, bringing potential shifts at higher levels as the Spiritual Hierarchy descend during Wesak. While these spiritual energies are always with us, this week they can readily be felt if you tune into them!  They are here to assist, so ask!

Details will be posted shortly on your FM Ceremony!

5/25 Jupiter Shifts into the Sign of the Twins joining both the Sun and Venus!!

With the Sun, Jupiter, and Venus all entering Gemini very close together, you will notice a big energetic shift! This shift is sure to bring lots of mental activity, lively conversations and important new insights. And,  it may leave you in ” information overload” fraying nerves and increasing a bit of mental angst.  Gemini energies encourage us to be flexible, adaptable and open-minded. Best Practice, attend to your overall mental health! Journaling, meditation, and attitude adjustments are key  to keeping you calm and focused, so you don’t return to the  old patterns you just identified and released!!

A few more details on Jupiter into Gemini and what you can expect for the next year! (6/9/25)

*Expansion of Knowledge and communication..a heighten emphasis on learning, education, and the exchange of ideas!

* Empowerment thru  information exchange!

*Increased Social Interactions…. there will be a surge in social activities, gatherings,fostering of collaborations,

and the exchange of information and perspectives!

*Expansion of technology and communication platforms!

Overall, Jupiter’s transit into Gemini offers a dynamic and intellectually stimulation period  characterized by expansion, growth, and the exploration of New horizons. It’s a time to embrace curiosity, connect with others, and remain open to the abundance of opportunities for learning and personal development!!

To recap, this is a month of amazing possibly to re-think, and  bring your personal Values front and center, taking small daily actions to SHIFT, breaking Karmic Patterns, and Creating a New Future aligned with your heart!!!!



Peace and Blessings