New Moon in Taurus May 7th 2024!

New Moon in Taurus May 7 @ 8:21PM PDT

New Moons are always about New Beginnings! It’s the time each month when both the Sun and the Moon align in the same area of the sky…..supercharging it! By working WITH the energy and qualities of that sign we align with the Cosmic Flow!

This New Moon in Taurus heralds solid, practical, beautiful, financial qualities, and in particular, those of self worth!!

This is a time of radical change, and as we create a New Paradigm, from the bottom up, on every level, what better time to re-imagine and recreate our future? What do you Truly Value? Given our current world,this might be in the process of changing! Take time to re-evaluate what is important to you today!

Uranus, the Innovative, Volatile planet of Brilliance, and Lighting fast change is involved in this New Moon. So, be prepared to expect the unexpected!

The  3-way conjunction of the Sun, Moon, and Uranus with Jupiter near by makes this an exceptionally potent and dynamic Cosmic Cocktail which can be quite Magical! Pay extra attention to the events, insights and coincidences/synchronicities taking place, as they will be significant!     Best Practice…’s time to break the molds or patterns of old behavior! Getting in touch with your genuine, authentic self is what the energy is asking you to do! Also, pay attention to your dreams, as they can guide and assist you in breaking these patterns, allowing new openings of vitality and enthusiasm!

Now, more than ever,this New Moon is asking us TO SHIFT perspectives! If not now…..when? This is the best NM of the year to plant the seeds of our desired future! And,we’ll need to use our amazing imagination to create an extraordinary New World!

Here are my crystal recommendations for your ceremony and the Taurus energy to enhance change!

*Emerald or Jade for Taurus energy.

*Excellent abundance stones are Citrine and Pyrite to empower your money beliefs!

*Malachite to facilitate change and transformation.

*Always include Moonstone in all Moon events, as it represents New Beginnings and New Cycles!*

*Rose quartz for Love and Relationships.

* Clear Quartz Crystal will amplify intentions! And, please use any other stones calling to you!!

 Now, On to your Taurus intentions…….

Taurus Rules Accumulation, Including: Money, Material Comforts, Ownership, and Possessions.

Sample Intentions to Appropriately Increase Money and Possessions:money

I absolutely create financial independence daily, in new innovative ways!

I am a money magnet, $ flows to me easily and effortlessly from many sources!

I live in a beautiful, comfortable, sumptuous home!

All my financial needs are met with ease and grace, from unusual and inventive sources!

Taurus Rules the Physical Senses, Including:

Sensuality, Massage, Physical Comfort, Aromas, and Tastes.

Samples Intentions to Increase Sensual Experience and Pleasure:venus and mate

I always enjoy the sensual side of life in a happy healthy way.

I enjoy a beautiful massage with my mate on a weekly basis!

I love the taste, texture and smell of the healthy wholesome organic foods I consume!

In my sexual relationship with ……….I fully experience joyous sensual pleasure!

Taurus Rules Enjoyment of Life on Earth, Including:

Appreciation, Gratitude, Simple Physical Pleasures, Rapport with Nature, Satisfaction,

And Contentment.

Sample Intentions to Enhance Enjoyment of Life:

I love, enjoy and appreciate my life!Spiritual-flamboyant-3254181-1024-768

I am so grateful for all the beauty in my life.

I consciously appreciate the abundance of Mother Nature and life itself!

I am content and happy with my life!

I am so grateful for the simple pleasures of life!

Taurus Rules Building, Including:

Solid Foundations, Persistence, Progressing Step by Step, Thoroughness, Perseverance.

Sample Intentions to Aid in Building Successful Results:

I am persistence and will take daily steps to make my new dream a reality.

Today I build new, solid foundations that I can depend on in every area of my life.

I release the habit of trying to rush and push results in areas that are not working.

I consistently progress, step by step, to accomplish my goal of…….!power kung fu

Taurus Rules Reliability, Including:

Patience, Dependability, Trustworthiness, and Steadfastness.

Sample Intentions to Encourage Reliability.

I always  KEEP MY WORD,  being a person that others can rely on.

I am loving and patient in every area of my life.

I am trustworthy in all I do and say!

I always say what I do, and I do what I say!

Taurus Rules Self Worth, Including:

Awareness of Personal Needs, Setting Appropriate Boundaries, Strong Values, Determination, and Self-acceptance.

Sample Intentions to Increase Self-Worth.self worth

I define what is important to me, and live my life according to my VALUES!

I always state my needs without any attachment to results.

I establish boundaries that empower my life.

I consciously and consistently experience feelings of self worth in every area of my life!

I release the tendency to undervalue myself and my work, now!

Taurus Also Rules Inflexibility, Including:

Stubbornness, Attachment, Resistance to Change, Possessiveness, and Stagnation.

Sample Intentions to Aid in Releasing Inflexibility:

I release all self-defeating stubbornness, with ease and grace!!

I intend to express my views in ways that do not shut others out of the conversation.

I release all attachment to excessive accumulation.

I EASILY let go of resistance to change.

I love and embrace change!

As always, feel free to use these or make up your own!

prayer image big girl 2candles

Here is the info for your New Moon ceremony.

  1. Start at the exact time May 7th, at 8:21 PM PDT  or AFTER. You have up to 8 hours after to capture the full intensity, and the closer to the exact time is always better!
  2.  Get quiet, center, gather your crystals, and make your ceremony sacred.
  3. Write your 10 Intentions, by hand, not computer.
  4. Take a few moments to visualize each intention realized! Be in the feelings of it happening! Get excited and inspired!
  5.  After writing and visualizing your Taurus Intentions, read them out loud, declare them to the Universe and EXPECT results!
  6. Release and bless them, allowing for Divine perfect timing! (Cosmic time…not yours!)
  7. Last but not least…. Give great thanks and gratitude for all you do have…and for all that  is to come!

This is such a potent time filled with possibility, freedom, excitement, and new directions! Try not to resist change….if a door closes, leave with grace, and forge ahead  thru the new open one that just opened!




Love and Light


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