Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 10/28/23

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 

5* Taurus/Scorpio

October 28 @ 1:24 PM PDT


Full Moons occur when the Sun and Moon are on the opposite sides of the Earth, and in opposite signs. And, the truth around something of great importance may be revealed.shawdow side And when it’s an Eclipse, it is a super powerful life changing time….particularly if it aligns in your chart with a Taurus or Scorpio Sun, Moon, or Rising Sign! The Taurus/Scorpio axis rules issues of self worth, self esteem, and what we value. Finances and resources  also come under the spotlight…as does our sex life! The Taurus Moon tends to Hold On to what is known, while the Scorpio Sun seeks to transform old forms and explore new ways of doing things!  Here in is the Rub!!!

On the Scorpio Sun side, we have Mercury the Messenger, Mars the Warrior  Planet, conjunct the Sun, opposite the Moon in Taurus, with Jupiter(expansion) and Uranus!( Freedom)! Three Super Strong Major Oppositions! You will feel the polarity! This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse casts light on secrets, hidden agendas, and things that have been kept from public view. Emotions will be running high, as well as passions! It is very important to pay attention to what you hear! Messages are relevant and deliver important information!  Look at what you need to release vs. what there is for you to embrace. A great question to ask is “What to I really need to both survive and thrive!!

Areas where  adjustments may occur:

*Your relationship with abundance ( or lack)

*Your relationship with your body and how you take care of it.

*Your relationship with sex….shawdow tango

*Power…use, misuse, and abuse of it!

*Discovering what matters most to you at this stage of your life.

Questions to consider during these intense few days…

Are you in denial about something that needs to emerge?

Are you utilizing the resources you have available to you?

Scorpio energy gets to the bottom of it and finds the truth.. no matter how painful!

Once you find YOUR truth,

Make your choices from a higher perspective!

Choices and decisions that will empower YOU and take you in a new direction!

Remember…..Out with the Old….In with the New!

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Here are a few suggestions for your  Full Moon Eclipse Release ceremony:

The best crystals to have with you are Malachite for the Scorpio Sun,(transformation and release) Rutilated Quartz for the Taurus Moon,(It will help you access your past,and what is ready to be released at this time!)

Moonstone  to set a New Lunar cycle.

Lapis….to assist you in speaking and knowing your truth!!!

Selenite…. to bring in the Light and keep the energy clear!

Black Onyx or Obsidian …to keep you stable and grounded

And, feel free to use your personal favorites…Amethyst, Clear Quartz, and  Rose Quartz are always good to throw in the mix!!

A few more details for your  Ceremony……

* Plan to go outside to feel and experience this very powerful Full Moon Eclipse! Full Moons are not time sensitive…so Friday night or Saturday night is fine….but the actual time is 1:24 PM Pacific on 10.28.

* Receive the downloads, upgrades and assistance She is sending to you!
* Bring a journal and take a few moment to contemplate and meditate. Ask for guidance!

* Write down all the things that  are no longer working for you. List everything. The Intention is to expose hidden secrets and ” just let go”  so you can move forward without a bunch of  emotional baggage!

* Note…..This is a very emotional FM so be prepared to let the tears flow if need be!

*Then, take your list.…Bless It for the lessons learned.

*Next, light it up and let her burn baby burn! All the way….no chunks of paper left!

*Once burned…..Shout… Dance… Howl…. get excited that these things will no longer have power over you!

Bye Bye to the past and any hidden secrets!let it go!Please take a minute while you are in meditation to send love, compassion and healing out to the world.

See peace in the Middle East.

See gun control passed with assault weapons of war BANNED!

Wherever you are, and whatever you are doing….do it FULL OUT and with Passion!!

Put your Heart and Soul into it!



Peace and Blessings
