Full Moon in Sagittarius+ Wesak Moon 5/23/24

Full Moon in Sagittarius/Gemini

May 23@ 6:53 AM PDT

2* Sagittarius

 Full Moons occur when the Sun and Moon are on opposite sides of the Earth and in opposite signs of the Zodiac! The truth around something of great importance usually is revealed! It’s a time when we are seeking balance! Emotions run high as we try to know the truth of situations! At this Full Moon we are being asked to integrate the energies of our rational mind (Gemini) with our intuitive wisdom (Sagittarius) to resolve current problems!
 It spotlights issues of freedom,expansion,and exploration, along with attitudes of faith and optimism! Fresh information, ideas, and connections occur! This energy has the potential to influence opinions, choices and even the direction we’re heading for a long time to come! Let Honesty, Integrity, and Ethics be your moral guide!

We also have the dynamic JupiterVenus conjunction showering us with good luck and love! Be sure to take advantage of this expansive energy!!!

And, at the Full Moon, we are all blessed by the great Buddha and all of the Spiritual Hierarchy!!! Every year during the May FM, the annual descent of the Buddha takes place. It is quite a mystical and magical time, and one that allows us to receive much needed love, compassion, guidance, and blessings from the Spiritual Masters in the etheric realm.

Esoteric teachings tell us that the Great Masters of Light and Sound reside in the Himalayas in a mystical valley called Shambala,a sacred place that doesn’t exist in the physical, but rather in the etheric field.The Wesak Festival is generally known as the Festival of the Buddha. In legend, it is said he makes an annual appearance at exact time of the Full Moon, and enacts a ceremony before his great brother, the Christ, and an assembly of Spiritual disciples. It is said that these Masters descend from Shambala to bless mankind with their grace, and offer guidance!

The potency of the Buddha’s presence is such that it cannot be endured for long by the assembled group. The moment of His approach is characterized by a great Silence, said to be brimming with vitality and significance. The Buddha’s blessing is radiated throughout the gathering and into the world.

During this special time, we all receive the flow from the Buddha, into our human hearts and minds, unifying, lifting and revealing our Spiritual connection and destiny!

During your FM Ceremony, be sure to invite in the blessings from the Buddha! Once received be sure to pay it forward to your friends and family! We all can’t have too many blessings!

How to work with this Full Moon energy!

  • Best practice… look at how you can merge these two energies….information (Gemini) into wisdom (Sagittarius)
  • Sagittarius /Gemini polarity brings opportunities to expand our minds and look at the bigger picture!
  • This FM helps us to see where faith has been lost, and how to renew our Beliefs!
  • Ask the great Buddha for his blessings and open your heart to receive!
  • Intuitively, we seek to gain greater balance by utilizing our innate wisdom!
  • Communications of all kinds are significant at this time, so pay attention! A powerful insight or ah ha moment can change a belief in a flash!
  • Intuition and imagination will be extra active so pay attention to messages and visions.
  • The opportunity is to SEE where we are holding back…..and let it go, creating new pathways!!

The best Crystals to work with this Full Moon  are:

Kyanite for Gemini (information),

Labradorite for Sagittarius ( Wisdom/Beliefs) These assist you in bringing truth through logical thought and intuition!

Apophyllite links the Spiritual and Physical.

Moonstone  enhances intuition and adjusts biorhythms during the Full Moon. Always have your Moonstone for any Moon ceremony.

Rose Quartz for love and self compassion.

Black Onyx to ground and absorb your releases!

Full Moon Ceremony

May 23rd @ 6:53 AM PDT

Since Full Moons are not time sensitive, make time on the evening of May 23rd!

Have your journal, crystals, some sage for clearing…and head to your favorite spot outside.

full moon and lakeSpend a few minutes in Silence under her powerful rays.

Call in the blessings from the Buddha…Make this time sacred.

Then write EVERYTHING down…take as long as you need…and get it all out!!

Burn the paper if you like.. there is .something so powerful in watching it go up in flames…..it’s gone!!!

Next…write down all the NEW plans, ideas, inspirations, and ask for any clarity you need to move forward with your new path.

Again, spend as much time as you need….this is your your time!

This is a very special, powerful time on our planet. Ask what you can do to support positive change and help mend all the discord we face! 

When complete…Give thanks for all the help and guidance you received, Thank the Buddha and Spiritual Hierarchy. Pay it forward by sending a prayer of blessing out to the world, your family, friends, and your self! Get excited as you feel lighter, leaving your baggage with the Moon as you think about the amazing possibilities for your future!!

prayer big girl

Stay Inspired….Connected….Empowered!

Peace and Blessings
