August 2023 Overview

Greetings All,

Happy Birthday Leo!

August is the Solar time of Leo! The symbol of Leo is the Lion…the Bold and Courageous! Leo has us look at what makes us Unique. Leo energy fuels creative self expression, rules from the heart with understanding rather than dominance! This is the perfect time to call on these Leo qualities…. create some fun play time, be compassionate, share and lead from the HEART!

And, before I break down the Astrology key dates this month….here are a few tips to help you stay centered and to use this time to create your next chapter!!

*Be proactive and use your tools of visioning, prayer, and meditation. It’s a great month to create a vision board!

*Stay inspired by reading things that expand your mind into possibility!

*Strive to keep your focus above the chaos and fear. Turn off the news!

*Do things that naturally raise your vibration and bring you joy! Stare into the night sky as the stars twinkle and the moon beams, watch the sun set, play with kids and laugh!

*Be patient, knowing a new path is unfolding, continue to ask for inner guidance, and Trust Spirit….no matter the appearance!

* Best crystals to work with and wear this month are Tigers Eye for courage and to step into your leadership with power and grace, and Citrine for happiness and abundance of life!

 These are amazing, trying times, so use the Lightness of Leo to forge a Path of Heart!

8/1/22- Full Moon in Aquarius/Leo

This Full Moon Emphasizes your relationships to groups, your TRIBE, the Global Family and humanitarianism!

The polarity of Leo/Aquarius is the energy that rules the dynamic between individual freedoms vs. the will of the people. We are in a time of significant personal and planetary acceleration and things just can’t stay. Somethings gotta give! An area of your life is shifting, so have to courage to Go With the Flow! Allow your FM  ceremony to guide and direct your new direction! Listen in with your heart, and summon the courage to take the actions needed to BREAK FREE!!

Remember….Full Moon energy heightens emotions….so you may feel more emotional than normal! All the details and your FM ceremony posted!

8/8/21 Lions Gate

Every year on 8/8 there is a cosmic alignment called the Lions Gateway. This occurs when the Earth and the Star Sirius (the brightest star in the night sky) align, and a galactic portal of high vibrational energy is sent to earth! This is a very special energy, so take this time to Star Gaze and  set intentions and re-create YOU!  Honor your Authenticity, Uniqueness, and Creativity!  We are being beamed with star energy from the Brightest Star! The Blue Dog will be shinning brightly in the constellation Canis Majoris! Allow Leo energy to re-set our courage, vitality, and zest for life with a boost from Sirius!


8/10-8/13 The peak of the Perseids Meteor Shower  Grab some friends and plan an evening of star gazing! These comets have traveled a long way….and some say they have special messages for us! Look and listen for any mystical insights while watching a light show in the sky!!! (Its better than fire works, I promise!) It is wonderful to be out in nature….and just BE in the starlight!!

 8/16/23 New Moon in Leo @ 23 * at 2:38 AM

The New Moon in Leo is always about setting intentions to bring your Creative A game to the playing field! As we are in a summer of retrogrades….rethinking, redesigning, and re-committing….the New Moon aligns with Venus in Leo RX! So…..rethinking your relationships with people and money are on the drawing board!!  A great NM to reinvent YOU!! Details for your ceremony will be posted!

8/23/24 – 9/15/24 Mercury Stations RX in Virgo

This will be an extra intense Mercury RX  as Virgo is a co-ruler of Mercury and is precise and particular in His method of communication… be prepared for miscommunication and a bit of chaos!! Best Practice…… Be Prepared! Pre-plan, have a back up plan, do everything you can to prevent drama…but be warned… laughter and lightness are the best medicine! Also, knowing it is the Cosmic  way of  changing things up….for the best!!! LOL  Surrender is your friend!


8/28/23 Uranus stations retrograde at 18* Taurus  until 1/26/24

When Uranus, the erratic rebel planet of Freedom, stations RX, he can create an environment where things just feel eerie and surreal. And, for a week or so as he stations RX, this energy is magnified and more intense!! You may feel as though you’re in the eye of a storm while erratic energies are swirling around you! Don’t be surprised if all of a sudden you decide to uproot your comfortable life, change careers, change partners…move locations or receive a new unexpected project! The job of Uranus is to shake things up.. unexpectedly…..and that he does!!! Spiritually, he can bring unexpected internal shifts as significant insights come from usual sources! Give this station a week to settle in! And, be sure to allow for extra time at any planned events…(Note this is a double whammy with Mercury RX). Know they may be changed or interrupted, and computers and the internet may be off the charts crazy!!One of the best uses of this energy is to look at where you are in your life…if you are feeling free or confined? If confined…what would it take to free you up to be fully self-expressed? Dare to dream, ask for assistance…and go and do where your heart is calling you!!

8/22/23 The Sun enters Virgo until 9/22

The Sun in Virgo focuses on organization, streamlining routines, and being of service in some way. Use the Practical Virgo energy to take care of all those details you let slip thru the cracks when you were playing and creating in Leo!!

8/30 /23….Super Full Moon, Blue Moon in Pisces/Virgo @ 7*

This Super Powerful FM  opens wide the brains dream and fantasy portals! Be prepared for some wild dream time! Also, with Saturn involved there may be old karmic family times that come into your awareness and are healed! Details will be posted for your ceremony!

Quite a busy month to renew…..reboot….and change course!

 Please Be Safe…..Get creative….. Have some fun… Get out and Sky Watch…..and always Follow your Heart!!!

Stay Inspired….Connected….Empowered

Peace and Blessings
