Full Moon in Capricorn 6.21.24 Tonight and Happy Solstice!!

Full Moon in Capricorn/Cancer @1*

Happy Summer Solstice

June 21 @6:07 PM PDT

Each Full Moon marks a turning point, a time of fruition when we see the results of past actions. As manifestations come to light, we have the opportunity to continue on the same path……OR….. Change Course! This Full Moon is special, as it is the first of 2 Full Moons in Capricorn……the next one being July 21st @ 29* Capricorn!!

And, the Full Moon tonight is connected to the beautiful Summer Solstice! At the time of the Solstice, we set our intentions for the next 3 months. As you ponder both of these events, the focus in on home, family, summer time fun, and balancing relaxation and work!

There may be two situations involving home, family lineage, work and career, the first coming up now, followed by the second in July!!  This FM will illuminate and identify our priorities so we can realign with what’s meaningful!

Capricorn is the sign of responsibility, and this Full Moon reveals where we’ve fallen into avoidance or procrastination, and where we need to step up and take charge. On the other hand, we could become aware of having assumed too much responsibility,or taken on a burden that isn’t really ours! In that case, we might need to say “no,” set boundaries, and pull back our energy!

Ultimately, the Capricorn Full Moon calls for emotional responsibility. Stepping away from the drama and pulling our attention inward for solitude and reflection could be the best strategy. Our Best Practice….retrace steps to see how we have gotten to where we are, take responsibility, ….and strategize on how to get to where we REALLY want to go next!

Best Crystals to use for this Full Moon

Moonstone for the Sun in Cancer, and always for your Moon Ceremonies.

Black Onyx for Capricorn and grounding your energy.

Rose Quartz for doing it all in a loving manor.

Clear Quartz to amplify your intentions.

And any other that is calling to you!

Here is a beautiful grid for both the Summer Solstice, and the Full Moon!

Here is your guide for doing your Full Moon Ceremony at home.

*Celebrate Summer and plan to go out under the moon and stars to do your ceremony. It will be beautiful, so let her shower you with all her powerful, beautiful moonbeams!!

*Find a spot that that is quiet and peaceful. Bring sage to clear yourself and the space,  candles,your crystals, and your journal!

*As you begin, take 3 deep breaths, set an intention to release what is no longer needed…. issues around home, family, work,and career. Where are you off balance…too much work, or to much home time? Really contemplate how it could be better…more in align with your hearts desire! Write it all down…. all the things that aren’t working! Really be thorough! Have the courage to ask the scary questions  and set a new direction! This is a time of renew and redirection…..take the time now to imagine and invent your dreams! How you desire it to be!!!

*On a separate paper, write down what you really want to manifest! How can you balance home and family, work and play, career vs job. It is time to BE in the life you desire in your heart! Imagine it! Feel It! Get excited about it!!!

*Take the release paper, read out loud, and then burn it! Watch it go up in flames! Those things are now gone! Never to stop you again! Believe it, know it, and take an action immediately to change your direction!

*Place your new intention in a special place in your home. Place your charged up crystals on the list! Look at it daily and imagine you are in the new dream!

*When complete, say a prayer of thanksgiving for all you have been given, and what is yet to come!

And, HOWL as much and as long as you like!!


Stay …Inspired….Connected…..Empowered!

Peace and Blessings
