Full Moon Blue Moon Tonight! 8/30/23

Magical Mystical Full Moon

August 30 @ * 7 Pisces

6:35 PM Pacific Time

Full Moons  illuminate that which has been hidden, and shines light on situations that allow us to make course corrections! This Full Moon tonight has several aspects occurring adding Special Magic!

Take note….we will all be FEELING this Full Moon for sure….a few days before and after! And, it is a Blue Moon….meaning, it is the 2nd Full Moon in the same month!! It is a Super Moon, close to the earth…so it will be gorgeous!!!

The Pisces Moon is opposite Virgo energy of the Sun. A great way to understand this particular opposition is Virgo is a practical, no nonsense Earth sign, ruled by Mercury,( communication). Pisces is a sensitive, mystical, psychic  water sign, ruled by Neptune (Spiritual Insight and Transcendence)

venusVirgo functions by analysis and discernment, and Pisces navigates by intuition and empathy. This polarity widens the door of perception, expanding our view of reality and of what’s possible!

Virgo is the sign of being of practical service on Earth.

Pisces is the sign of being of  service in the Spiritual realm.

So….if we combine these two energies at the highest level it looks like this… We Receive our Visions, Inspirations,and Ideas from Pisces thru our Spiritual Practice and Mystical connection, and with the practically of Virgo, we execute them in the world!

We Vision with Pisces, and Virgo gets the job done!


This Pisces/Virgo energy has additional powerful planetary connections at the time of this Full Moon.

Neptune, the Ruler of Pisces currently in Pisces,is increasing the mystical nature x2!. Take note of your dreams!  Saturn Rx in Pisces, is conjunct the moon, helping to put structure and a dose of reality into your visions!!  Let go of  what needs to go, so the new you can emerge! Also, Mercury in Virgo RX is close to the sun, helping to review and renew your dreams!! This aspect is asking you to surrender your personal agenda so that you can see more clearly what the Universe has in mind for you. Note, you may find you have less mental and physical energy than usual. So, listen IN….take a break, nap, sit on the beach, and just BE!

This  Virgo/ Pisces opposition will give you ideas about where your dreams meet up with your reality. Clarity about this can  show  what steps  need to be  taken in order  to move you in the direction of your highest visions and hearts desires.

This truly is a special Full Moon…there’s MAGIC in the air!.

unicorn in floweros

Full Moon Ceremony

The theme for this FM is Service, Surrender, Release, Rethink, and Re-imagine!

Try to get out under her powerful vibes!

Best Crystals to have with you….

Moonstone…to reset a new cycle

Peridot …for Virgo… being of Service

Amethyst… for Pisces….Connecting to Spirit

Clear Quartz…..for Mercury RX and gaining Clarity!

Find your place. outside tonight under her vibes….. clear with sage or incense, and make it beautiful with candles and your crystals.

Have your Journal near by.

Always start with 3 deep breaths….this sets your brain in a receiving mode! Offer a prayer of thanksgiving and gratitude, and invite your guides and angels to come in and guide  you!

Suggestion…..  take each word of the theme and write….allowing ideas and words to flow….as directed by your inner guide!

Service... How can I be of greater service at this critical time on our planet?

Surrender.…How can I surrender and have courage to BE my Vision?

Release…What people, places, and situations  have I  been angry about or disappointed  and need to be forgiven and released?

Rethink… What situations need to be  looked at again…particularly during this Retrograde?

Re-imagine… What do I want my life to look like in 5 years….10 years? What steps can I take today to Be that re-imagined self?

Write to your hearts content, taking as much time as you need!

When complete…..be sure to give thanks for the guidance, sending love and peace out into the world!

We are living in crazy, changing times! Be part of the solution!


Stay Inspired….Connected…..Empowered

Peace and Blessings
