“Every year I attune my personal GPS system with a reading from Shelley Warren Astrology!”
“I had my first reading with Shelley 3 years ago and I was so totally surprised and impressed with all the information and detail that was given to me! When I left, I said, she is joking….of course, as time went on and so many many things came to fruition, I found out that was not the case! All my life I believed in astrology, but I never had my chart done until I met Shelley. Now when she does my chart I do not think she is joking and I pay close attention! I look forward to my bi-annual life update! “
Judy Romanik Redondo Beach, CA
“I have used Shelley Warren as my astrologer for more years than I can remember. Her insight and ability to apply what the universe has in store to my personal and business life has left me in awe. If you want to understand what is happening in your life then a reading from Shelley is most important.” Kathy Carroll Chicago, Illinois
“I have known Shelley for a while and I must say that she has brought Astrology to a new Dimension. I never thought that Astrology could be such a powerful tool of transformation!The way she reads all the information is very specific to her. Her insights, Intuition, compassion and her deep understanding of Astrology and spiritual connection allow for shifts to happen that are Life changing!Several times I met some important challenges in my life and she was the only one who could make me understand what was happening. I was able to gain clarity and see the gift behind those situations. Shelley really created a space for me to be able to move on with peace in my heart.Life is a journey not always easy, and I feel very lucky to have met Shelley along the road. She has helped me tremendously and if you are in a place right now feeling “stuck “in your life, not knowing where to go, or if you are facing a difficult challenge I highly recommend seeing her!”
Patricia Delaere Venice California
Here’s what clients are saying ………
“My conscious life choices underwent a transformation after being introduced to Shelley about ten years ago. From understanding my NATAL chart more thoroughly, that snapshot that is with me from birth to death, to seeing what’s up for a new year annually on my birth date through a SOLAR RETURN chart, my life searching for answers are aided by Shelley and her astro expertise.”
“Shelley is a teacher who is capable of explaining what’s going on in a chart no matter one’s level of astrological understanding. She is a consultant who welcomes my questions, my intuition for where I feel I am at a point in time, advising on the options available to me knowing how the transiting planets are hitting my chart. I find Shelley to communicate in a spiritual yet practical way that urges me to be the best I can be.”
“I have met with Shelley quarterly to get an update given what I’m thinking of doing or not doing. She has been instrumental with the best choices for my cross-country moves, for selling my condo, for taking a national technician exam and even for job searches. The longer I know Shelley, the more I affirm “checking in” for a reading respecting where the planets are transiting to know what it means”
“At the end of the day, man has free will. Man chooses in concert with/regardless of planetary alignments. Top tools in my toolbox of life include astrology and a reading with Shelley Warren.”
Debbie Leaper, Boston Ma