Super Blue Full Moon in Aquarius 8/19/24

This Super Blue Full Moon is a BIG WOW!!

 August 19th

27*Aquarius /Leo

 11:25 AM PDT

 Full Moons occur when the Sun and Moon are on opposite sides of the of the zodiac, and in opposite signs. Breakthroughs and culminations are sure to occur!   However, this FM is unique and special. First, it is “Super”   occurring very close to the earth, so it will appear extra large, bright, beautiful and mesmerizing! Also,it will appear full from Sunday – Wednesday! And, It is considered Blue, a phenomenon that occurs rarely! Like the saying goes…“Once in a Blue Moon”!  It will not appear Blue, but is considered a seasonal Blue  Moon, meaning… is the 3rd of 4 Full Moon in a season (Solstice to Equinox, usually there are only 3)

The next time this will occur…. a Super, Seasonal Blue FM is in January of 2037!!!!! Seriously…this is a rare Full Moon!!!

This very special, powerful FM is forming a T-Square to Uranus in Taurus, while kissing Mercury RX in Leo ( conjuncting the Sun  opposite the Moon)……..all 3 in fixed signs (Leo, Aquarius, Taurus) and can be stubborn!! So,expect the unexpected  as it will feel like…”somethings gotta give“…… or a “do or die” energy prevails.

It is important to let go of whatever holds you back or has you feeling dis-empowered, as these are potent creative forces in play seeking to bring clarity to stuck situations! Note…try not to entrench yourself in a permanent position,(I’m right, your wrong) as, given time, you may see another perspective. Create space in disagreements and allow for continued conversations. Remember…...Mercury is RX until 8/28!

Uranus (planet of brilliant, revolutionary ideas) squares the Sun, Mercury and the Moon, lighting our way to new innovative solutions and directions!  Listen In, and go with what is being presented!!  Remember, with all Uranus transits, something unexpected becomes known and has a significant impact!

Areas getting  focus are Freedom, Independence, the Global Family, Humanitarianism, Friends and Community, emphasizing Aquarian principles! What is needed is New innovative ways of solving the many challenges, changes, breakdowns and restructuring of our time! We are IN the Aquarian Age, so our  best direction is New Ways to Be and Manage our lives, creating a  Future that works for ALL!

It will take all of us to create a sustainable planet that works!

And, as we are in the time of Leo, it is important to bring your creative A Game to  all situations and problems!!

Best practice….take the high road by focusing on the Leo qualities of BEING courageous, generous, acting and holding compassion in your heart…. while integrating the powerful innovative nature of Aquarius!!

Full Moon Ceremony Suggestions:

Our intention for this  Super Full Moon, based on the energy listed above, is to look at and envision what we kind of world we want to create, personally, and collectively!

Leo has us look at our unique signature, what only we as individuals can add, and how it can effect humanity for good!

Remember to anchor your FM ceremony in Quantum Physics as ONE can effect many!

  This is the energy  to bring to your FM ceremony! As we LIVE in a world of change and chaos, KNOW that we, as a group, affect millions on a daily basis by our thoughts!

One random act of kindness and compassion can and will change the world!

One Pause in your conversation….with compassion and understand DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

As you gather tools for your ceremony include:

A Candle, and any beautiful Essential oil you love, rose, lavender…..

Sage or Selenite for clearing your space!!

A journal to record your release of old thoughts and new solutions!

Your Crystals:

Citrine for Blessings, Abundance and expansion!

Selenite…..To bring in the Light!

Moonstone….Always for Moon ceremonies to set a new cycle

Rose quartz….Love and compassion for you and the world

Tigers Eye for Powerful leadership, and to bring out those Leo Qualities

Apatite….For a New Bold future

Clear Quartz… For the Aquarian Moon and to  amplify your good vibrations and to SEE CLEARLY what needs to go!

Feel free to use these or any others that you love and are calling to you!!

Your Ceremony!

Try to get out under this Super Blue Full Moon Light.…It will be gorgeous and the energy amazing!! It is exact at 11:25 AM PDT. Monday…But Remember….. Full Moons are not time sensitive to your ceremony, so go out Sunday or Monday evening when the Moonlight is beaming down!!

Settle in, clear yourself and space with Sage or a Selenite wand.

Begin with a prayer of Thanksgiving and Gratitude.

Invite in your guides for guidance and protection, and then begin to write.

Write down all your fears, concerns, anger, hurts, frustrations. Just let it all go! Any and everything that is boiling under the surface. If you don’t release it, it will just fester and make you sick, or erupt when you least expect it! This is such a powerful Super Blue FM, a special moment in time…  do a deep dive….and let all the S___ go!!!!  It is overdue and the Universe is here to assist!

A few questions to ask yourself…..

*What stubborn old “stuff” has to go?

*Breathe air and love into it and write it down to let go!

*Know it no longer supports you…and is holding you back!!!!!

*How can you be a part of a Solution during this most dynamic time?

* What is your unique talent that you can bring to your tribe/family, leading from the Heart?

*How can you live more from the Heart with love for self and family?

While writing, allow a free flow to occur…..don’t edit….just allow! You may be surprised to see what comes through! Trust it!

When complete, end with a prayer of Thanksgiving, and send a Prayer of Love, Compassion, Health and Healing to all of the world. Think Globally!!!! This is a Super Powerful Moment in Time!!!! Use it for GOOD!

We can and will affect many on this  Super Blue Powerful Full Moon evening!

Thank you for your energy and for all you do!!

Stay Inspired….. Connected….Empowered

Peace and Blessings
