New Moon in Cancer 7/5/24

New Moon in Cancer
July 5th @ 14* Degrees
3:57  PM PDT
New Moons are when both the Sun and Moon align in the same sign, offering us an opportunity to hit the re-set button, re-think and renew our ideas and commitments in the area where this alignment occurs. This month its Cancer. So, our focus turns to home, family, belonging (or not) and what makes us feel safe and secure.
The comforts and familiarity of home and spending time in the garden or nature pulls at our hearts this month ! This is a very instinctual pull, and can be a time of profound healing that takes place quietly, deep within us as we allow our family……or……nature to make us feel loved, safe, and protected!
During this time of Cancer,  our feelings will need attending to.
Expressing them in loving, kind ways is our Best Practice!
Family, children, parents, and generational issues may resurface for you to take a look at and Heal.
Be Gracious….Practice random acts of kindness! Everyone needs a little love!
With so much change and turmoil happening in the world it is super important to take the time to make your home feel safe and welcoming. A place for all your family to relax and feel loved! This Cancer New Moon is the perfect time to reset!
Remember to reconnect with your Spiritual Practice as Neptune just stationed RX, and ASK for heavenly assistance if you are going through a challenging time!
The Best Crystals to use  for this New Moon Cycle….
Moonstone is your most important stone to use… to set a new beginning, and  it is the power stone for Cancer!
It helps to balance emotions,and keeps you on the path of your life’s purpose!
Rose quartz..the stone of unconditional love…We all need Love!!!
Malachite….to release and let go of what no longer supports you!
Amethyst….the Spiritual Stone…Protection, peace, calm, connection to higher realms!
Black Obsidian…draws off negativity…keeps you grounded!
Labradorite…The Magic Stone! Lets call  a little magic in your home!
Selenite!….Brings in divine light!
You can use any or all of these for your intention ceremony!
 As you prepare for your New Moon Ceremony…..Remember, this is a reset for the summer………. with family and friends, for taking time to enjoy, relax, and nurture yourself and all you love!

The areas listed below are what Cancer Rules, and are highlighted:

Home, Family, and Instincts

Sample intentions to strengthen your Personal Foundation:mother duck keeping watch

I spend plenty of heart felt time with my family.

I experience a feeling of increased security and joy.

I clearly and easily listen to and honor ALL my gut instincts!

I easily attract, recognize, and purchase the perfect home/apartment at an amazing price!

Security, Feelings of Belonging, Protection, Tenacity, and Financial Security.

Sample intentions to Increase Feelings of Safety:

I handle my finances in ways that create a stable base I can count on.happy be

I have a complete sense of security in every area of my life.

I am loved and protected by an infinite source of Good!

Growth, Nurturing, and New Beginnings.

Sample intentions to Encourage Positive Growth:

I release childhood patterns that have held me in bondage!

I joyously learn and grow from all significant events that happen in my life!

I embrace the process of my own expansion and personal growth!

Cancer Rules Emotional Closeness:

Caring, Empathy, Vulnerability, and IntimacyLearn-to-Love-How-to-Live-Happily-Ever-After-1-mdn

Sample intentions to increase Emotional Closeness:

I intend to be open and ask for help in a way that is empowering!

I release all fear around intimacy!

I am empathetic and understanding for those who need my care and support.

I receive the same from my loved ones.

Cancer Rules Feelings;

Changing moods, Awareness of our own feelings, Sensitivity to others’ feelings, Tenderness, and Awareness of needs.

Sample Intentions to Enhance Feeling Experiences:

I consciously and consistently communicate my feelings in responsible, appropriate ways.

I release all moodiness!

I let go of all non-constructive, over the top emotional responses.

I intend to live moment by moment and not be ruled by my moods!

Cancer Rules Nurturing:

Being supportive and accepting support, Food, Close family relations.healthy summer food

Sample intentions to Promote Positive Nurturing:

I release all self-destructive habits around food.

I experience wonderful, mutually heart felt relationships.

I spend great quality time with my family.


As always, feel free to use these or make up your own!

Details  for your New Moon ceremony:

  1. Start at the exact time 3:57 PM PDT or after on July 5th.You have up to 8 hours to utilize the full power of the New Moon!
  2. Write your 10 intentions, by hand, not computer.
  3. Make your time special….set the mood with your crystals, candles, and journal.  It’s ok to be inside or out, but, just know you won’t see the moon….as it is aligned exactly with the Sun!
  4. Your intentions this month are around the natural qualities of Cancer.
  5.  After writing your intentions, be sure to VISUALIZE  them complete, FEEL them complete, and KNOW  Divine right timing is working to deliver!
  6. Most importantly…  FEEL and FOLLOW  your Heart!
  7. Plan some fun with family and friends and let them know how you feel about them!

   Happy Magical Love filled Summer!

Stay Inspired….Connected….Empowered!

Peace and Blessings
