Crystals yield amazing energy and power. And, when used in in tandem with your Soul Print, it creates a special customized Matrix that holds, embraces, and empowers your journey in this Life time!
When I create a Personalized Crystal Grid for you, I balance and enhance the energies of your Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign in both your Natal and Progressed Chart, as both work as a team for you!
Included in the reading is your custom Abundance Stone, along with any and all adjusts that are required to help you be the very best version of YOU!
Once you know what stones are best for you in areas you wish to expand, wearing these stones on your body in beautiful jewelry also empowers your energy field!
And, besides being beautiful, Your Customized Crystal Grid is a powerful addition to your alter at home, or the office!
I Love all the work do…but the Crystal Grid is my Favorite!
Here’s why …… Long after our session is over, if you forget what we discussed, or forget who you are…..the Crystals Remember for you!
It is Your Matrix of Personal Power and Magic!
To book a session….please refer to my services page and contact me for an appointment!