The Full Moon reaches its peak 2 weeks after the New Moon, when the moon and sun are in opposite signs. The moon reflects the energy of the sun, and we have a most beautiful sight! Full moons emote powerful energy, bringing emotions and feelings to the surface. Projects or long standing issues begun at the New Moon now come to a head. Problems or concerns ” are illuminated” . We can be very emotional, tempers and feelings are so close to the surface that we, and those around us, can feel bit “loony” !
Best practice during the full moon to feel those feelings, without judgement, and Release what no longer serves you or your life. Releasing can look like: journaling and ceremoniously burning, meditation, dancing, hiking, gathering with friends, and the one I love and do monthly is to go out, be in nature, where ever you are and just howl! The point is, to energetically RELEASE! Let it all go, move the emotion out of the body! It FEELS so good . Then, we are free and clear to use the new two weeks of the month to final, complete and prepare for the next cycle!
And so the Cosmic Dance continues…..Join me each month for a Full Moon release ceremony!