September 2024 Overview!

Greetings All

Happy Birthday Virgo!

 September key words….Simplify….Streamline…..Organize!

Virgo is about simplifying, becoming more efficient, downsizing, de-cluttering, and letting go!  Time to establish new routines and habits that support our overall well- being, while eliminating those that no longer serve us. Don’t over complicate……keep it simple! Use your time this month to prepare for the last quarter of the year and of course the Eclipses on 9/17 and 10/2!

Noteworthy for this month…On September 1st, the rebel, radical, brilliant energy of Uranus stations Retrograde thru Jan 30th. He joins Saturn, Pluto, and Neptune traveling RX.  Pluto backs into Capricorn , and of course the FM Lunar Eclipse on 9/17. Issues from previous months may come back in focus, and you may need to review some things that you thought were resolved and make corrections!

With many planetary shifts and changes, hold on tight….release the old….embrace the new….and work on staying grounded!!!

Here are the most important dates to note …..


Mercury Stations Direct @ 21  Leo on 8/28…. Yippee!!!!! So grateful the Messenger is moving forward.  Communications will finally clear up! Remember to take it easy the first few days, as he is still moving slowly!

This has been to be a doozy of a Mercury RX!   The transition to direct can bring about several effects and changes so take note!

* One of the most noticeable effects is the improvement in communication. Misunderstandings and communication breakdowns that may have occurred during the retrograde phase tend to ease. You’ll find it easier to express yourself clearly and to understand others.

* As Mercury stations direct, you may feel more confident in making important choices and decisions. Information and insights that were previously unclear or delayed may become available.

* Projects and plans that were stalled or faced obstacles during the retrograde phase often regain momentum. It becomes easier to move forward with your goals and initiatives.

* Technical glitches and issues with electronic devices and technology are often resolved more easily. This is a good time to fix any issues that arose during the retrograde period.

* You can begin to  implement plans and strategies that you’ve been working on or considering. It’s a period for putting ideas into action, particularity on the New Moon in Virgo September 2nd.

September 1st…Uranus Stations Retrograde – 1/30/25!

In astrology, Uranus is associated with change, innovation, rebellion, and unexpected events. When Uranus stations retrograde, these themes often turn inward. This period is seen as a time for reflecting on personal freedom, rethinking unconventional ideas, and reassessing how one approaches change and innovation.

Key themes during Uranus retrograde:

  • Self-Reflection: A time to contemplate personal desires for freedom and individuality.
  • Breaking Old Patterns: Retrogrades are often seen as opportunities to revisit and potentially break free from old habits or outdated ways of thinking.
  • Unexpected Changes: Uranus is known for its unpredictability, and during its retrograde, unexpected internal shifts or realizations can occur.

Uranus retrograde typically lasts about five months each year, giving ample time for these introspective themes to unfold. The energy for the first few days may feel…unusual! Stay focused, grounded, and try not to multi task!

Also on September 1st……. Retrograde Pluto returns to Capricorn one last time…thru 11/17!

Pluto begins his final dip into Capricorn before he enters his long 20 year journey in Aquarius on Nov 17th. In this last phase, we will be confronted us once again with challenging issues. We are in the midst of a turning point in history and must carefully consider what we want to take from the old world into the new still unknown world.  In the coming weeks, some transformative issues will encounter resistance. The price of political and economic stability could become an issue. We can also expect conflicts over world views. Strong counter forces could try one last time to turn back the wheel….

Remember the Motto…”We are not going Back!!!!”

September 2nd….New Moon in Virgo@11 * at 6:56 PM PDT

The New Moon in Virgo occurs when the Moon and the Sun come together in the zodiac sign of Virgo! This is a time to reset as it represents a fresh start, new beginnings  associated with Virgo’s characteristics. Focus your New Moon intentions with the following Virgo qualities.And, note…. give those intentions room to breathe as Mercury just stationed Direct…and is still not up to speed!

* Virgo is known for its meticulous and detail-oriented nature. During a New Moon in Virgo, there’s an emphasis on practicality, precision, and paying attention to the finer points of life. It’s a great  time for organizing, cleaning, and streamlining various aspects of your life.

*  This New Moon IS an excellent time to set intentions related to improving your physical health, diet, exercise routines, and overall well-being. It’s a good period for starting new health regimes or addressing health-related concerns.

* Virgo is often linked to service, and during this time, you might feel a desire to give back or help others. This could involve volunteering, offering assistance to friends or family, or finding ways to be of service in your community.

* Virgo can be a self-critical sign and you might find yourself engaging in self-analysis and self-improvement. While constructive self-evaluation can be beneficial, be mindful not to be overly critical of yourself or others.

* This energy is conducive to setting practical, achievable goals. Use this time to define clear, realistic objectives and make detailed plans to work toward them.

More details for your ceremony to follow in the New Moon post!

September 2nd Mars in Gemini Squares Neptune in Pisces @ 29*

When Mars forms a square with Neptune, the assertive and direct energy of Mars clashes with the elusive and intangible nature of Neptune. This can lead to several potential influences:

  1. Confusion and Misunderstandings:
  2. Frustration and Disillusionment:
  3. Deception and Self-Deception:
  4. Creative Challenges and Inspired Action
  5. Health and Energy Levels, Stress and Fatigue
    Overall this aspect is a complex astrological configuration that brings together the dynamic energy of Mars with the elusive nature of Neptune. While it presents challenges such as confusion, frustration, and potential deception, it also offers opportunities for creative and spiritual growth. By seeking clarity, grounding your energy, enhancing communication, and balancing idealism with practicality, you can navigate this transit effectively and harness its transformative potential. This energy will be active for several days!

September 4th Mars enters Cancer thru 11/3

Mars transiting through Cancer is a time when action is driven by emotions and a need for security. It encourages a protective, nurturing approach to achieving goals and handling conflicts. While it can bring challenges related to emotional sensitivity and indirect assertion, it also offers opportunities for deep emotional connections, healing, and strengthening familial bonds. By being mindful of emotional reactions and focusing on constructive ways to express feelings, this transit can be a time of growth and emotional empowerment.

September 17th Full Moon, Super Moon Lunar Eclipse @25* Pisces

The penumbral Lunar Eclipse on September 17, 2024, though subtle in appearance, carries the potent energy of transformation and emotional release. It’s a time for introspection, letting go of what no longer serves you, and preparing for new beginnings. By working with the energies of the Eclipse, you can align with its potential for growth and evolution in your personal and relational life


Eclipses tend to:
• Reveal hidden information that’s “hiding” in the shadows
• Mark a turning point
• Speed along developments
• Bring swift and sudden opportunities
• Herald unexpected results

Lunar Eclipses are powerful Full Moons, marking a time of heightened emotions, culminations, and endings. They are often associated with significant changes, revelations, and the closing of chapters in our lives. The effects of an eclipse can be felt for several months! The axis of Pisces/Virgo will be activated, so time in meditation and leaning in on inner guidance is your best practice.

Your FM Eclipse Ceremony will be posted separately.

September 22nd @ 5:43 AM….Fall Equinox as the Sun Enters Libra

I still can’t believe we are entering the last quarter of the year! As we say good-bye to summer, and look forward to the fall season, it’s time to harvest our ideas, dreams, and intentions!

The Fall Equinox is a powerful time of transition and balance, marking the shift from summer to autumn. It’s a time to celebrate the harvest, reflect on the balance in our lives, and prepare for the coming winter. Whether through cultural traditions, personal rituals, or introspection, the Equinox invites us to honor the cycles of nature and embrace the changes they bring.

What are we grateful for? How can we BALANCE our lives in the next 3 months? PLAN balance, downtime, fun time, and ask for inner guidance to illuminate  your way forward.

Lets envision Peaceful Change, and a peaceful Election!

September 22 Venus Enters Scorpio until 10/17

When Venus transits through Scorpio, she infuses the typically harmonious and loving energy of Venus with Scorpio’s intense, transformative qualities. This transit can have profound effects on relationships, personal desires, and how we experience love and pleasure.

This is a period marked by intense emotions, deep connections, and transformative experiences in love and relationships. While it can bring challenges related to jealousy, possessiveness, and emotional intensity, it also offers opportunities for profound growth, healing, and the exploration of hidden desires. By embracing the depth and transformative potential of this transit, you can navigate its energy in a way that leads to deeper understanding and more meaningful connections.

Also… Pay attention to financial matters, especially those involving shared resources. It’s a good time to reassess investments and financial strategies.

September 29th MarsTrine Saturn @ 14 Cancer/Pisces

When Mars trines Saturn, the typically intense and assertive energy of Mars is channeled through Saturn’s discipline and structure. This aspect allows for the effective and productive use of energy, bringing a balance between action and restraint.

Mars trine Saturn is a highly productive and stabilizing aspect that promotes disciplined action, responsible behavior, and the successful pursuit of long-term goals. It brings a harmonious balance between ambition and structure, making it an ideal time for focused work, strategic planning, and building something lasting. By embracing the energies of this aspect, you can achieve significant progress in areas that require both determination and patience.

This is an excellent way to end a most turbulent month!

Remember….. we are in the middle big change! It is always scary to go forward into the unknown. And there is no doubt it is not business as usual. We are all pioneers of the next chapter in human history.

Man cannot discover new oceans until he has courage to lose sight of the shore…..Anon.

These are unbelievable times! We all agreed to be here to help usher in this amazing transformation of our planet!  So, as we enter the last quarter of the year, have a plan of what you want to accomplish. Stay focused on you and yours….turn off the news as much as possible….. Stay in the High Vibe…if you fall ….dust yourself off, be kind, and jump right back in the saddle with stronger conviction and courage to finish the year empowered!!


Inspired….Empowered…. and Connected

Peace and Blessings


