New Moon in Aries 3/31 @11:25 PM PDT

New Moon @  11 *Aries

11:25 PM PDT

This is a very Super Charged, Special New Moon.  It is the first New Moon of the Astrological New Year! New Moons are always about New Beginnings and occur each month when both the Sun and  Moon align in the same sign at the same degree! So, whatever seeds of intentions we plant now will effect our entire year! Time to hit the reset button! Let go of what is already out of date or not working since the year began!

The Ingredients  that make this New Moon so powerful and special are:

  • We have 4 planets lined up in the Sign of Aries! The Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Chiron!           Life Force is Strong…self healing is soooooo important! Our personal cup must be full and empowered as we start the New Astrological Year! And, whatever continues to STOP YOU…. NOW is the time to have the courage to look at it, heal it, and move forward! We all will be feeling energized and ready to get moving, in some cases…. in a new direction! Trust your instincts …they are super strong!!
  • Mars,Saturn,and Venus are all lined up in Aquarius, squaring the North and South Node! This is a very dynamic and potentially powerful influence bringing up strong passions while demanding progressive change! This astro combo seems to be shouting….It is time to take action! Begin to negotiate win win solutions! Patience, change, practical solid solutions and actions are the order of the day!
  • The Magical Jupiter/Neptune Conjunction!  This influence is in orb thru mid April, and is quite significant! The last time it occurred was in1856 and ushered in the Spiritualist movement! It is a wonderful, expansive, creative, compassionate aspect that encourages faith, love, hope and your connection to the Divine!  Take advantage and recommit to your spiritual practice! This positive influence  brings new  opportunities and options for you! This NEW MOON is an ACT NOW  taking advantage of what is presented!!  And, always with  Aries energy, you will be ready to GET A MOVE ON!
  • Be Bold and Courageous in your intentions and actions and choose NEW!Courage_Web

A note to consider….pulling weeds

Planting our seeds of New Beginnings on 3/31 is like planting a garden. There will be weeds that will have to be pulled up, and much tender love and nurturing will be needed to help them grow!

The area in your Chart where 11 * Aries lives will be where the action is!

Below is a list of Aries intentions to help inspire your thinking….so please feel free to use, or make up your own!

The best crystals to empower and enhance this ceremony are:

  1. Moonstone…always…to begin a new cycle!
  2. Aries stones….Ruby, Red Jasper,Carnelian to ignite your dreams with the courage to follow them..I used all 3 in the center!
  3. Pisces energy….Amethyst to clear, connect, and dream big!
  4. Clear Quartz and Aquamarine for Aquarius and to amplify and hold the Intentions for you!
  5. I added a a Black Amethyst heart stone  for Magic!!

change sameAries Rules New Beginnings, Including:
Blazing New Trails, Initiation, High energy, Taking action, Innovative approaches.
Sample Intentions:
I intend to initiate action on projects ……………today!
I intend more energy and vitality every day.
I intend a successful new beginning in the area of …….

Aries Rules the Self, Including:
The physical body, Instincts, Assertiveness.
Sample intentions to Strengthen the Self:
I always trust my instincts! They are my fail proof inner guidance system!
I intend to strengthen my body, allowing for grace and beauty to radiate!
I intend to take a stand for myself, my values and believes!

Aries rules Innocence, Including:
Honesty, Authenticity, Impulsiveness, Straightforwardness
Sample Intentions to Encourage Authenticity:
I intend to be honest with my true thoughts and feelings.
I am confident in simply being myself.
I am always authentic and transparent with others, letting them know my true feelings.
I intend to converse straightforward in all my relationships.

Aries Rules Self-Discovery, Including:

Exploration, Taking Risks, Eagerness, and Competition.sail boat healing
Sample intentions to Further Self Discovery.
I intend to take those risks that lead to personal growth and positive renewal.
I intend to make each day an adventure, filled with eagerness and exploration.
I view any setbacks as an opportunity for creative self-discovery!
I am excited to explore new paths daily!
I intend to connect with others in a way that awakens my own sense of self-discovery!

Aries Rules Independence, Including:
Self direction, Self Reliance, Self-sufficiency.hikers empowered
Sample Intentions to Bolster Independence:
I intend and accept the leadership roles in my own life.
I intend to cultivate the habit of self-reliance.
I always follow my own instincts in making decisions.

Aries Rules Our “Warrior Nature,” Including:
Courage, Leadership, Strength, Vigilance, Boldness
Sample Intentions to Evoke Courage:
I have the courage to be myself!
I intend lots of vital health, energy and courage in every area of my life!
I confidently take the lead in the matter of…..
I intend strength and boldness in my approach to……

I intend to lead my tribe with integrity, love, and grace…. fearlessly!


As always, feel free to use these or make up your own!

Here is the info for your New Moon Ceremony.

The NM occurs at 11:25 PM  PDT on 3/31, so if you are not up that late, plan to get up a bit early Friday AM April 1st, and start your day with a powerful, prayerful intention ceremony! I promise, it’s worth a few moments of your morning to set up your year, getting in sync with the Cosmic Flow! You have up to 8 hours after the exact New Moon to really capture the full intensity!

  1. Get quiet, center, and make your ceremony sacred.
  2. Write 10 intentions …by hand, not computer.
  3. Your intentions this month are around the natural qualities of Aries and your intentions for the New Cosmic Year!
  4. After writing your intentions, take a minute to FEEL them complete,  BE in your future….EXCITED!  EXPECT and KNOW they are  happening!
  5. Most importantly… Be Bold, Think Big, Invent your life, and always follow the path of  Love and your Heart’s Desire!



Peace and Blessings

